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Success Stories - Companies

The record label Chillmi and UN Women Sweden joined forces and created the initiative “Play Your Part For Ukraine”, as a response to the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine.

Chillmi decided to donate its entire income for one week (March 7th-March 13th) to raise funds for UN Women Sweden. 

Chillmi enabled 3 possible ways to contribute:

1. Directly donating to the fundraiser that was able to reach in their company profile.

2. Streaming it's playlists, as all the income from the streaming would go to the fundraiser.

3. Adding widgets and promoting the share of the cause using different tools, to spread the word.

As a result, the total amount collected so far has raised 58.000 SEK and their streams increased by a 5%.

  • People were able to participate in this initiative by donating to the fundraising, streaming Chillmi music, or spreading the word.

  • Thanks to the possibility of streaming music to raise funds, many people was able to play its part.

  • Not only the initiative has had a great impact on fundraising efforts, but also has helped Chillmi to improve its CSR practices.

I feel a duty as a human being, to not stand idly by while we see such horrific acts done to innocents. We all need to play our part, and it is important that we do whatever we can to help people in need.” - Isaac Sandelin, CEO at Chillmi 

Learn more: 
About CSR and Fundraisings
How to create a Fundraiser

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